Padre's Posts
Advent Reflections
The season of Advent is about long awaited hopes and dreams coming to fruition before our very eyes. Events once only imagined and dreamed find their way into reality. This makes the season of Advent an appropriate time for Mindy Hancock's ordination into holy orders...
The Season of All Saints and Thanksgiving
It is the eve of my mother's 100th birthday. (She celebrated 84 of them upon the earth). I was made aware, just today, that she was born the day before the official end of World War I (Nov 11, 1918). It is appropriate, for I always knew her as a woman of peace - she...
Why So Long?
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the...
Feast Of All Saints
The litany of names scrolled upon the screen each year at the Feast of All Saints is profound. All who have died from this parish for the past 130+ years are remembered, if only for the time it takes to roll from top to bottom of screen. But, in that second of visual...
The Season of All Saints
In all sacred traditions there is pilgrimage - journeys to explore holy places and cultivate intimacy with the mystery of the divine in the world and our own lives. Every year we walk the sacred journey through the life of Christ from All Saints to Easter it is a...
The Beloved Community I
I was happy to return to the altar at St. Andrew this past Sunday to continue our work together as a Beloved Community in the heart of Kokomo. I initiated a four week reflection titled "A Be-Loving Community." Inspired by the words we read from the letter to the...
Saint Andrew
Episcopal Church
(765) 457-2075
Office Hours
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM