Sunday Homilies

Remember That You Are Of The Earth

As I impose ashes on Ash Wednesday I say the words, “Remember that you are of dust, and to the dust you shall return,” But in my mind I say, “Remember that you are of the earth, and to the earth you shall return”. For me, Lent is the season to return to the elementary...

Remember that you are of the earth

As I impose ashes on ash Wednesday I say the words, “Remember that You are of dust, and to the dust you shall return,” But in my mind I say, “Remember that You are of the earth, and to the earth you shall return.”  For me Lent is the season to return to the...

The Mount of Transfiguration

Why is the mount of transfiguration observed on the last Sunday following the epiphany? Perhaps it is the ultimate epiphany of Jesus’ divine nature? Perhaps, it is that iconic “mountaintop experience” that we all must descend from to face the struggles and suffering...

The Mount of Transfiguration

Why is the mount of transfiguration observed on the last Sunday following the epiphany?  Perhaps it is the ultimate epiphany of Jesus’ divine nature? Perhaps, it is that iconic “mountaintop experience that we all must descend from to face the struggles and...

The Circle of Prayer

I have been talking about what it means to live your life in circle; a circle of mutual support, affirmation, inspiration, and work. Living, working, and growing with others.  Today we will gather to say goodbye and celebrate the life of Jack Mapes. So I wish to...


Saint Andrew

Episcopal Church
Service Times

SUNDAYS at 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM


Office Hours

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM