Sunday Homilies
Palm Sunday
We join together with millions of others throughout the world to walk the final days of Jesus’ life. Of all the weeks in history, what a week re-lived for two millennia. The church is divinely ordained to recall these days for the sake of the world. It is important to...
Knowing God in Death and Dying
As we approach easter we must walk through the valley of death. Of course, if easter is all about resurrection then we must enter through the door of death. Most of us in this room are quite acquainted with death. We have lost loved ones, friends,...
Palm Sunday
We join together with millions of others throughout the world to walk the final days of Jesus’ life. Of all the weeks in history, what a week re-live for two millennia. The church is divinely ordained to recall these days for the sake of the world. It is...
Reconciling The World Unto God
God is filled with grace and forgiveness and reconciliation. In Christ, God is reconciling the world unto God. There is unconditional love, boundless grace, inspiring beauty, and heart-melting compassion. When any of us find our way to God, we find there a place with...
The Fourth Sunday in Lent
Joshua: “Today, I have rolled away from you the disgrace of Egypt.Happy are they whose sins are forgiven, Happy are those to whom the Lord imputes no iniquity,”Psalm: I will instruct you the way you should go, do not be stubborn like the mule…but trust in the Lord,...
The Celtic Cross
The Celtic cross, with the circle forming a frame for the intersecting pieces of the Christian cross, is a beautiful symbol of the balance between heaven and earth, soil and seas, flesh and spirit, grace and grit that Celtic spirituality offers. In the Celtic cross we...
Saint Andrew
Episcopal Church
(765) 457-2075
Office Hours
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM