Sunday Homilies

Healing Compassion and Presence

Widdershins was supposed to be a shop cat.  From a large litter of kittens, she was the only jet-black one of the family.  A perfect familiar for a little meta-physical shop.  At six weeks she was transported from her country-outdoor birthplace to be...

A Faith to be Passed On

I begin a month’s reflection upon life in sacred community specifically as it pertains to life here in this parish at St. Andrew . In his letter to his young disciple, St. Paul encourages Timothy to remember the faith of his grandmother and that of his mother.  He...

The Rich Man and Lazarus

Jesus was a storyteller because he was a rabbi in the Jewish tradition.  The Jewish tradition is filled with rabbinic stories called Midrash, intended to illustrate spiritual ideas and to invoke questions and curiosity and change. What questions does this story...

Shrewd Manager

Jesus was a storyteller.   For as long as this story has been read, through the many cultures and times from which it has been listened to, people wrestle with Jesus, praising the dishonesty, and shrewdness of our main character.  Listening to this story for...

Jesus, Friend of Sinners

Just like last week’s gospel passage where my eyes were drawn to the opening “Now there were large crowds following Jesus…” my eyes again were drawn to the bold and opening sentence of this morning’s gospel, “NOW ALL THE TAX COLLECTORS and sinners were coming near to...

A Beautiful Life

We begin this morning ruminating on the passages ascribed from the Gospel of Luke.  In addition to my own reflections I encourage you to participate in the group offered by the circle of life-long learning during the 9 oclock hour. “The stories Jesus told” will...


Saint Andrew

Episcopal Church
Service Times

SUNDAYS at 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM


Office Hours

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM