Sunday Homilies
Holy And Healthy Habits Of The Heart And Soul
Stewardship Reflection 3 This morning I close my reflections on the spiritual practice of faith-giving at the altar of the church. In my past two reflections I have presented two principles upon why this spiritual discipline is practiced and taught by all the world’s...
Christ Is Made Known
My reflection this morning is inspired by the season of Easter and in particular, the collect for the third Sunday in Easter: “O God, whose blessed son made himself known through the breaking of bread, open the eyes of our faith….” Spring has been well earned and long...
Taking In The Breath Of Jesus
I heard this story a few years ago. A mom and her daughter were driving through a major metropolitan area. This child had been involved in the Catachesis of the Good Shepherd and faith formation known as the Worship Center. Part of the Worship Center experience is to...
This Is The Easter Story
On Friday night, I was the last to drive out of the church parking lot. Over the years, sharing the traditions of Holy Week with this wonderful parish, I have developed some personal traditions or habits of my own. Following the evening service on Good Friday I have...
When Jesus Rode Into Jerusalem
What is Jesus doing in Jerusalem? He is there to celebrate the Passover with his disciples and family. What does he see, feel, and touch in Jerusalem? He sees great buildings, billowing smoke from constant burnt sacrifices, a multitude of poor and bedraggled people,...
You Were Dead, But Now You Are Alive
You were dead and now you are alive. You were lost but now you are found. You were a stranger but now you are at home. You were ill but now you are well. You were afraid but now you are filled with faith. You were abandoned but now you are embraced. You were alone but...
Saint Andrew
Episcopal Church
(765) 457-2075
Office Hours
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM