A Church in Service to Community 

Our parish has been part of the community of Kokomo, Indiana for over 125 years. It is important that the life of our parish be involved in the life of our community. Many of our parishioners serve social and civic organizations throughout Kokomo in various roles and responsibilities as volunteers, board members, trustees, and employees. Our parish, being downtown, represents our commitment to the heart and center of Kokomo.

It is also a clear message from the Gospels that the church’s primary purpose is to be a community of hope and help to all. From the descriptions in Acts 2:42-47, we read of a community committed to sharing what it had for the sake of all. The church was “enjoying the favor of all the people” (Acts 2:47) largely because of its generous spirit and welcome to all. At the present time our efforts are partnered with the following local agencies and missionaries:

Saturday  Breakfast

Since 2011, a homestyle breakfast has been offered to the community from 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Each Saturday is hosted by a team of volunteers that serve once a month.

Community Food Pantries

Every Sunday parishioners are asked to bring items to assist the Rescue Mission and other food pantries around town to provide for people in need. The Outreach Committee helps to inform, remind, and update the needs of the pantries.

Coordinated Assistance Ministries (C.A.M.)

Coordinated Assistance Ministries is the only day shelter for those who are homeless in Howard County. C.A.M. offers assistance to clients in finding employment and the social assistance for which they qualify. C.A.M. also provides a place of daily community and hospitality.

McKinley Partnership

Since 2003, our parish has been offering tutoring and music to the Middle School Students of McKinley School.

Kokomo Urban Outreach

We have partnered with Jeff Newton from the beginning of K.U.O. in 2005. The work and ministry of K.U.O. is to help churches become centers of community help and hope by offering their resources for the sake of the needs both in and beyond the church community.

The Giliad House

The Giliad House is a rehabilitation home for single mothers who struggle with addiction.

Meals On Wheels

The Meals On Wheels program provides meals to low income and homebound seniors.

World Missions Support

Presently the parish prays for and financially supports four missionary families:


Russ and Heidi Smith in Chile

Mary Sherwood in Madagascar 

Frank and Anne Bernardi in Northern Africa 

Mike and Jill Lowery in Northern Africa


Saint Andrew

Episcopal Church
Service Times

SUNDAYS at 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM


Office Hours

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM