The Transfiguration by Fritz Wendt

There is such a thing as a ‘near-life experience,’ a transforming encounter with the light of life. The Transfiguration describes a remarkable encounter of such a kind, an encounter that may find reflections in our own lives, much needed at the current time. When the...

Abundant Online Giving

We are grateful for your support of St. Andrew.  Giving is a natural response for believers of Jesus Christ.  We receive God’s love and grace, and out of the overflow of a grateful heart, we give.  By being generous, we honor the Lord, and His work on...

A Celtic Lent: 2nd Sunday in Lent: Peregrination

“Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” (Gen.12:1) There is this idea of the epic journey in literature and history.  Such a journey changes everything.  Whether it is Odysseus’s journey in ancient...

A Celtic Lent – Crossing the Thresholds

Why was John baptizing in the wilderness, out beyond the city limits?  Why did Jesus emerge from the waters of that baptism and go further out into the desert? Why was Paul, following his dramatic conversion experience, drawn into the desert of Arabia? Why was...