The season of Advent is about long awaited hopes and dreams coming to fruition before our very eyes. Events once only imagined and dreamed find their way into reality. This makes the season of Advent an appropriate time for Mindy Hancock’s ordination into holy orders of the Episcopal Church.

Since the day she and Josh and their two daughters, Maleah and Maidie (Ethan would come later), became members of our church as ordained Nazarene ministers, I have imagined and hoped for this day to arrive. Mindy has been engaged in the process of discernment, study, and examination for a lifetime…Ethan’s lifetime to be exact, and in November, Mindy completed, with excellence, all requirements and preparation for ordained ministry. She will be ordained as a Transitional Deacon of the Church at St. Andrew, with the intention to be ordained to the priesthood later in 2019.

Congratulations Mindy! Your gifts and wisdom and experience will be a blessing to the church and the world we serve.